Stay At Home Mom Madlibs

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The day usually starts _(ADJECTIVE)_ and early at _(NUMBER)_ o’clock in the morning as the toddler _(SOUND)_. I _(VERB)_ out of _(FURNITURE)_, and race to calm down the toddler so that the other kids don’t get woken up yet. After I stumble around the _(ROOM IN THE HOUSE)_ to find something for the toddler to munch on, I turn on the _(BEVERAGE)_ maker so that I can fix myself a large cup. Before I get the chance to take a sip, it’s time to wake the big kids. Why do they only sleep in on weekdays?!  It takes approximately _(NUMBER)_ threats of taking away their _(TOY)_ before they are up, dressed, and out the door.

I glance at my to-do list as I change from my pajamas into _(CLOTHING ITEM)_. Then, the toddler has a blow out. I feel like a _(ANIMAL)_ tamer 6 times a day at each diaper. We play a _(ADJECTIVE)_ game of peek-a-boo until she pulls on my _(BODY PART)_ and runs off laughing.

Time to clean the kitchen. Oh man, I discover my _(BEVERAGE FROM EARLIER)_ needs to be reheated. Into the _(APPLIANCE)_ it goes. I unload the dishwasher and sweep the floor as the toddler comes in screaming for more food. I oblige and then continue to spray _(CLEANING PRODUCT)_ onto my countertops. The toddler then throws _(FOOD)_ all over the cleaned kitchen.

We go outside to water the _(PLANT)_ and to play a game of chase around the yard. She waves at all the _(TYPE OF TRANSPORTATION)_ that passes by and tries to run into the street _(NUMBER)_ times. I’m out of breath.

Toddler _(SOUND)_ for more food when we go inside. I look at the clock and am shocked that it’s already lunchtime. As I hold my toddler on my _(BODY PART)_, I try to fix something “healthy” that she will actually eat. Oh, there’s my _(BEVERAGE FROM EARLIER)_! I give up and drink it cold. It’s now time for the toddler to take a nap, so we read _(BOOK)_ to quiet down first. Once the toddler is asleep, I _(VERB)_ around my house like a mad woman trying to quietly accomplish as much as I can on my to-do list. Halfway through, I realize that I didn’t eat lunch. I find _(FOOD)_ in the fridge and throw into a tortilla. I’m the queen of lunch wraps. I sit down on the _(FURNITURE)_ to watch a show that doesn’t involve cartoons, singing, or puppets. As soon as I relax, the toddler wakes up. And she’s hungry. Again.

We make a run to _(STORE)_ before it’s time to get the big kids from school. She tries to escape from the cart _(NUMBER)_ of times, but I win.

The rest of the day is filled with laughter, tears, tattling, and yelling. And yes, I’m guilty of all four of those too. After all the kids are _(ADJECTIVE)_ asleep, I collapse on the _(FURNITURE)_ and forget about the rest of my to-do list.


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Maria Clark
Maria is a Kansas native who fell in love with an Oklahoma boy and is here to stay – but she is okay with that! She calls Stillwater home and has three spunky but totally sweet girls who keep her unbelievably busy. Maria has a background in event planning and gets fulfillment out of hosting friends in their home. She also loves all things organization.


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