For those with kids that love gardening, any kind of science experiment, or just like to dig in the dirt, this is for you! This is the perfect time of year to start growing some seeds for the garden,...
Black Friday is coming quickly! I love Black Friday! It’s basically like Christmas for me. When I was a teenager, there used to be a store that would randomly give away $20 gift certificates to the first 20 customers. My...
May is JUST around the corner, and you know what that means: an ever-increasing demand on our time, energy, sanity, and wallet. Between sports, school, other extracurriculars, birthdays, special occasions, and everything else, May might feel like an endless...
As a new mother, every stage in my son’s development brings something new to the table.  I would love to be one of those moms that knows how to handle anything thrown my way, but I’m not.  I’m just...
Typically when you see a back to school post, you're expecting to see the best deals on crayons, printable lunchbox notes with funny jokes or memes with moms lounging in the pool sipping on a Truly while her kids...
Roses are red Violets are blue Your kid might be a bully And you might be one too Before I become Dr. Seuss, let me elaborate. I don’t know what in the Scared Straight is going on, but this culture of cruelty has to...
This is my daughter's room.  This is our living room. As you can see, there are toys everywhere. It amazes me because just a little over a year ago we didn't own any toys. I'm not sure where they all came...
My little chunker is growing like crazy. You see the fox onesie in the picture above? He wore it twice. Two times. In his whole life. And now what do I do with it? Passing on hand-me-downs and donating is...
Does your kid snore like a trucker? Samesies. Maybe they have constant strep or sleep apnea. You know what might be in your future? A kind ENT looking you right in your eyeballs and telling you "Those are literally...
An old acquaintance once posted on her social media something about horseshoes being better than circles. She was referencing another social media post, this one from Glennon Doyle, that reads, "If you are standing with other women in a circle and...
When I was pregnant with my daughter, I signed my husband and me up for all the classes that our hospital offered. Birth, breastfeeding, newborn name it, we were there. The only one we missed was the night they...
You can take all the Instagram quotes, weave them together, and use them as a raft to charter the wavering waters of life. But they’ll only get you so far without a paddle. So today I offer the paddle of...

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