I am writing this from the trenches.  The exhausting, overwhelming, and yet beautiful trenches of motherhood, and I am going to admit it: Some days I am worn out. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids.  They are the best little...
Motherhood is fun, challenging, full of surprises, and constantly evolving. I'm not sure about you, but I can use all of the help I can get as mommy, so I wanted share my current top 5 mommy must have products. 1) Planner. How...
“There will be times you feel like you've failed. But in the eyes, heart, and mind of your child, you are SUPER MOM!” – Stephanie Precourt I give all praises to stay at home moms. I know it’s not easy,...
Just last week my five year old daughter happily jumped in the backseat when I picked her up from school and said "Susie is going to spend the night at Jane's house and I'm invited mom! Can I go?"...
Dear friend, Today I am sad.  Today I empathize.  Today I feel as though I physically am missing the piece of you that is missing.  The gap that is only known by mothers who haven’t, yet, had children, whose hearts...
Aww, the joy of a snow day. Every year when there’s the slightest chance of snow Facebook lights up with my friends posting their excitement about the possibility of a SNOW DAY!!!! A chance to stay in their pjs...
The stay-at-home mom is an enigmatic creature. Often spotted wearing her workout clothes with dried sweat providing the perfect accent to her already un-coiffed locks, she runs, walks, rolls from drop-off to yoga to field trip to lunchroom duty...
Do you ever feel like you are drowning in the distractions of life?  I've been feeling that way a lot lately.  So many things to do - some I absolutely love and some I just feel obliged to do....
Daughter-In-Love, I think about you often.  Ever since my sweet little man came into my life, I can't take my mind off of you. What are you going to be like?  Are you going to be shy?  Will you be...
The great yoga pants debate, who would of thought this topic would be such a big deal? If you haven't read the blog that was posted by Veronica Partridge or the one in response to her blog posted by Ashley...
The cold weather keeps coming back in between sporadic beautiful January temps, and with it comes long days where leaving the house just isn't an option.  If your child is anything like mine, it doesn't take long for the...
There are certain blogs and websites that I read and visit on a consistent basis and one of them is Hello Giggles. I was reading an article by Tamara Weston, "It's time to reflect on why we really wear...

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