Recently, I caught myself being super judgmental.  I actually told an exhausted new mama of two that her children deserved better.  I told her she wasn’t doing enough.  Her house wasn’t clean enough.  I even looked her straight in...
There is nothing glamorous about the first trimester of pregnancy. Let's just all agree to agree on that before we proceed. The first trimester is about as glamorous as that LAST agonizing month (which I'm fairly certain contains 2,646,513,544...
I am a DIYer to my core. I contend that is why I'm also a self-help junkie. I mean, self-diagnosis of medical ailments and mental health issues is really just hardcore, base-level DIYing, right? I love to learn and...
It's only January and already we are being bombarded with political ads and what-have-you. Election year brings out some of the worst in people. I am always surprised by what comes out the woodwork in an election year. I...
I was walking through a crowded flea market with my baby snuggled close in his carrier when I heard a woman whisper to her friend, “She’s spoiling that baby.” I was sharing a story about how my baby kept me...
Did you know that one in five jobs in Oklahoma are related to the Oil & Gas industry?  There are hundreds of companies tied to the Oil & Gas industry in our state, with many of them being right...
I love to read and sharing my favorite authors and books with others. I had a baby in 2015 though so my reading game has consisted more of board books than novels as of late. And it's much easier...
I'll say it.  Dating after having kids sucks.  It requires: Time Money Planning And a babysitter And I don't know about you but I might have one or two of those 4 things but I sure don't have all 4 at the same time. So...
Parenthood means that we teach our kids between right and wrong. We teach them about the world around us. We teach them to sleep through the night (hopefully) and to tie their shoes. Being a parent is full of...
The day of love is upon us! Although Valentine's Day can be a romantic day of celebration for you and your partner, there are plenty of family-friendly events happening around the Metro this February that don't require high heels...
For Christmas, my son got a color by number book. You know the ones - you’d meticulously paint all the 1s red, all the 2s blue, all the 3s yellow, and so on. During my quiet time today I...
Three years ago I was sitting in the OBGYN's office listening to the sound of powerful heart beats (yes, plural) and at that very moment I started to become what some like to call the dreaded "helicopter mom". Truth be told,...

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