Fall is in the air, leaves are changing colors, evening temperatures are cooler, and pumpkin flavored everything is back. So that can only mean one thing. It’s time to make plans for fall festivals and that annual trip to...
  To the moms who share their birthday with the holidays, this is for you. Why? Well because I know growing up pre-social media it was even harder than it is now to have the birthday you wanted as a...
Are you ever afraid of tackling a do-it-yourself project in fear you will end up on a 'Pinterest Fail' board? Well, no fear here because these five budget-friendly and kid-friendly Father's Day gifts are as easy as making a...
I’ll have you know that I just made the best pecan pie I’ve ever made. Pecan pie is my husband’s favorite kind of pie, so when we’re gifted with a bag of pecans, I make some pies for him....
I am a turkey farmer who accidentally almost served her family a medium rare turkey one year! I want to help make sure you don't do the same. How to cook a turkey from a turkey farmer: 1. Defrost: Bring that bird...
When holidays are in the near future I either pick up a few themed books from Scholastic sales or borrow some from the library to read with my daughter in the days leading up to the celebration. She's been...
"And the stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that Saint Nicholas soon would be there..." And so the beautiful Christmas story explains the quiet and anticipating scene that these over-grown socks eagerly await their bellies being...
People, it is November.  As in the eleventh month of year 2015.  I feel like just yesterday I was preparing for Christmas...of last year.  But just yesterday, I was shopping for this year's holiday season.  The days and months...
Not only is my family full of fall and pumpkin enthusiasts, but we are also huge Halloween fans. It's a day to dress up, eat pizza for dinner, go trick or treating with cousins, and stay up past bedtime....
I am a proud Oklahoman. I love walking around Downtown, popping into shops on Campus Corner in Norman, and adore the quaint little towns scattered throughout our great state. I'm proud of this place and I love supporting it...
Two pink lines. Positive. Pregnant.  It's the only thing some of you are wanting this Christmas. To see a ray of hope in the long journey of growing your family. To experience the joy of life after the sorrow of waiting--or the...
Pumpkin patches, fall festivals, costumes, parades, and candy can only mean one thing: Halloween is upon us! My daughter loves candy, what child doesn't? And it is the season of candy! It seems like everywhere we go someone is trying...

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