A few days ago, my daughter was particularly energetic. Jumping off the furniture. Spinning in circles. Standing just out of arms reach and proposing an invitation to "Catch me!" In the midst of all this activity, I jokingly said,...
I remember my former life, before kids. I used to go to a building every day. Sit and drink my coffee while turning my computer on and getting ready for my class to arrive. Before that, I was a...
Before our adopted daughter came to live with us as a foster child in 2019, we prepared in all the ways we knew how. We did all the training with the Department of Human Services, we read all the...
It's the day I knew would come, and I must say I have more mixed emotions than I thought I would. It is time to say goodbye to nap time in our house. With some reluctance, but also relief,...
The year was 2017. I had a newborn and an almost two-year-old who I was potty training. No one told me to try to potty train a 22-month-old immediately after giving birth, but there I was. I was sure -...
I say potty training is a saga because so far I've seen 3 different versions and am looking forward to the 4th! I'm pretty sure the 4th will start soon. There have already been indicators that he might be ready....
Nursing can be a beautiful bonding experience for moms. Some of the most beautiful newborn pictures I have ever seen have been of moms nursing their babies in a beautiful rocking chair in a nursery taken straight out of...
Hi. My name is Lauren, and I am married to a coach. Specifically football and slow-pitch softball. Two sports that I know very little about. Well...technically I know very little about most sports. I'm not exactly what you would call...
I recently read an article claiming that moms are asked, on average, 23 questions per hour by their preschool aged children, (or about 300 per day if you're staying home)!  As the mom of a three and half year...
The Storm clouds begin to gather Uh oh, I thought, seeing my son's teacher pop up on my caller ID. We are three days into Pre-K, and I thought things were going well. He woke up at 5:45 on Monday morning...
Guess what?! You can be a great mom, even if you're not a "little kid person." That's me. I'm not a little kid person. Yikes! Taboo subject! Before you come at me, I love so much about the little kid stage. I...
When my daughter was a few months old, I started researching food and the best ways to introduce solids to her diet. I had seen friends on Facebook lamenting the food struggle woes and I had ALL the delusions of...

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