At 4:19 p.m. on a rainy Sunday, my life changed forever when I held my brand new baby boy in my arms. I remember my surprise at how warm he was as he cried for the first time. I...
Fall is my favorite! Seriously. I barely made it to September 1st before I got all my Fall décor out and updated my mantel. Okay…maybe it was a day or two before September 1st….I couldn’t contain myself! I know it...
First off let me make this confession... I loved/love the show Sex and the City. I really don't even feel like that's a confession because I love it so much. I watched the whole series and the movies and then...
My daughter is about three and a half years old.  Her name is Lyla, and until last week, she couldn’t say her “L” sound correctly.  We never stressed about Wywa learning the correct pronunciation, but were also never the...
Lately I have had several friends become first-time moms. I’m absolutely obsessed with all of their precious babies, of course, but what I have found most fascinating is watching their personal transformation. I LOVE LOVE LOVE watching my friends...
My husband and I have been together about five years now, and along the way we have realized we each have particular "buttons," if you will, and because of that, we set some ground rules for our marriage. Of...
Before 2014, I knew little about breast cancer.  Though most people I knew had someone in their life touched by breast cancer, my awareness of the disease did not go far beyond the pink ribbons or the occasional dollar donated in the checkout...
  Boo! October is right around the corner and we've got a great line up for you to enjoy this fun fall month! Have an event you'd like us to add? Let us know! Pumpkin Patch Guide Fall Festivals Pumpkin Recipes Guide to October...
As a woman/mom who is tattooed, it's come to my attention that we sometimes get treated differently or judged than moms who aren't tattooed and most of the negative judgment comes from other moms. I could write an entire post on the...
Whether you are looking for ghoulish fun or family friendly Halloween entertainment, we have you covered. We are bringing you this year’s best Oklahoma City Haunted Houses and Halloween Events. We’ve already brought you a list of Oklahoma City metro...
I don't know about your house, but fall is a favorite time of year in mine.  We all are chomping at the bit to wear our sweaters, open the windows, make backyard fires, watch some football (woo pig sooie,...
There are some new stages in a baby's life that are down right adorable.  First words are precious.  First steps are endearing.  Sleeping through the night is ah-mazing. However, every now and again a new stage comes around that is less than...

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