Tiffany Walker

Tiffany Walker
Tiffany is married to a tall, dark, and handsome man with two mixed boys: 5 and 2. Her boys lovingly sing her a song titled, “Mean Mommy.” When she is not listening to audiobooks or corralling her little outlaws, she is a curriculum director for Secondary ELA Teachers and Library Media Specialists. If you are interested in a book recommendation, follow Tiffany on Instagram @audiobookinmyear

Moms, Let’s Talk Money

While you may not want to think about it, the fact is that very often women outlive their husbands. According to Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement, 80% of men die married, but 80% of...

Love Thy Neighbor?

Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood taught me so many important lessons as a kid that still ring true for me today. Those social and emotional skills were tested just the other day... At the grocery store last...

Let’s Celebrate Women’s Equality Day

Women’s Equality Day is August 26th I had never heard of this day! Have you? I knew about Women’s History Month and  International Women’s Day, but Women’s Equality Day?! I pride myself on being a...

Toilet Tuesdays & Other Ways I’m Easing the Mental Load

Moms, what if we were more BEINGS than GIVERS?  I don’t know about you, but I was tired of doing everything for my boys (husband included). I was giving more to everyone else and had...

Why Even the Busiest Moms Should Make Time to Read

I think we can all agree on how important reading is for our kids, but how do busy moms find the time to read more? Try some of these tips and tricks to boost...

3 Things to do to Teach Kids About Consent

We, moms, have a huge power to influence the next generation of human beings. It is up to us to make consent cool and so common that our kiddos don’t know a life without...